Denomite 29 Denomite 29


SMART little GOALS make Big Changes.

About 8 months ago I set a “smart” goal for myself of attaining employment in some capacity through my school within a year. A “smart” goal is something I learned about previously in treatment and then refreshed on recently during my APSS (Adult Peer Support Specialist) training. For any goal to be considered a “smart goal” it must meet a few criteria. It has to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For me this is a goal which was once completely out of the realm of my own imagination. A couple weeks ago I was informed that if I wanted it my internship could become a paid student worker position for the fall dedicated to the administrative assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs at my college. In this capacity I will continue in the assisting of management of the student food pantry on campus. Technically at that moment my goal was achieved. However, today i suited up for the first time to go in and work on my first project related to this evolving assignment. Had to call my mom yal, and just say, “look mom I did it!”

Smart Goals help those in recovery regain their confidence while achieving incremental steps.

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