Active Projects
Hope Car Project
High Risk Community Outreach and Education Project
Driving education as hope into the Jails, institutions, and other deadly situations the struggling find themselves in when starting the road to recovery. Along with preventative efforts like speaking at schools. Right now unfunded all this project can provide is speak at facilities.
This is an active live program.
Community Support
At The House Of Care, we understand the importance of providing a helping hand during difficult times. Our team is here to provide the support you need, whether it's a food pantry, a recovery living facility, volunteer programs, or simply a listening ear. We believe that every community can heal from the inside out, we need only support one another to do more than just heal . Let us be a part of your journey towards thriving in recovery. We currently are serving as many communities as possible through partnerships. And look forward to serving the community of Brookport Illinois directly after our public reveal event. Coming soon.
Outreach Programs
Our outreach programs are designed to make a positive impact in the community. Through education, awareness campaigns, and collaborative efforts, we strive to build safer and healthier communities for everyone. We need to find the struggling which need our help they do not know we even exist much less how to find us. So every house of care needs to be equipped with a fully operational “Hope Car” and crew, which includes an outreach specialist and ideally an adult education facilitator as of now we only have an outreach specialist with lived experience. Together, we can make a difference. We also recently launched “bands of hope”.
Recovery Services
Our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to recovery. Whether you are struggling to find your way to recovery, find yourself stumbling along the way, or just trying to stay alive until you find recovery, we want to help. We understand. No two people have lived the same story. Just like struggling looks different on everyone, so to does everyone’s road to recovery. While our organization does not offer licensed counseling services, we do in fact work with many community partners to help meet your individual needs. Take the first step towards healing and join us at The House Of Care.
Project Ideas
The House of Care
By: Mike Deno
What Exactly Is A house of care?
Local Recovery Resource Center and Outreach Project launch and management location.
Mission Statement
Minimize barriers between the recovering and educational tools which improve their chances of success.
Goal? Healing the scar caused by addiction, poverty, and homelessness across the nation one struggling family at a time through long term support programs which enable them to find earn and/or further a degree or other educational tools. In this the hope is to help more families struggle less and find greater success thereby, increasing their community contribution.
By establishing and maintaining a network of local centers with programs which make it easier for a person in recovery to achieve and maintain long-term recovery, ideally through educational milestones.
These programs will be established and/or facilitated by The House of Care staff in cooperation with any and /or all available community resources including but not limited to local and regional recovery centers, local and regional RCO’s, local and regional schools at any level necessary, local churches and other community organizations, local and/or state police, local and/or regional parole offices along with any other potential resource a house manager might find available. Some of these programs may even be available in some areas prior to our existence.
What types of programs?
HOPE CAR Project (part of 1year plan)
HIGH RISK COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND EDUCATION PROJECT (pilot project) power point to follow, currently partially deployed
The goal of this project is to deliver hope in the form stories of lived experience to the facilities that need it. Additionally, the long-term goal is to coordinate and or facilitate adult education services through this project.
Dollar or donate thrift store. (part of 1 year plan)
Everything in the store is 1 dollar or less and in the instance that a client has insufficient funds to pay for what they need there is an option to donate time by volunteering in one of our programs to pay for the needed items.
SOUP KITCHEN SERVICES (part of 1year plan)
Abigail’s idea Possibly in partnership with other charities such as churches or salvation army or reginal food banks
OPEN HOUSE (part of 1year plan)
Every house of care should have a meeting location and coordinate with local AA/NA and ALANON along with any other similar social support group organizations when available to provide meeting services on site.
Adult Education services (part of 1year plan)
Ether facilitated in house or online through Shawnee Community College. Partnership already established.
HHI Healthy Housing Initiative (part of 2year plan)
Buy distressed properties at tax auction and fix them up to a point of equity farming then funnel profits to house of care. USE RECOVERY LEAD CONSTRUCTION this ensures work for local addicts in recovery, and the houses are then rented at barely above mortgage to cost to recovering families in other house of care programs. This provides affordable stable second chance housing to those in need. In turn this program furthers the overall Goal of the organization, which is to build healthier safer communities one family and in this case one house at a time.
Program providing real fitting nice clothes at any cost to the addict in recovery to improve self-esteem for class and/or improve chances of employment and/or any other type of personal success. This can be achieved either through a voucher program or a cooperative agreement.
HELPING HANDS (part of 2year plan)
Free limited day care services intended to support recovery. As in for going to meetings or appointments maybe even to class.
Workforce training initiative allowing house of care clients to work part time at workplaces which otherwise would only allow full time employment in an effort to facilitate their education.
Program that pays the sports related fees of children of addicts in recovery literally pay fees and maybe even create an equipment exchange program
Workforce training driven SOBER LIVING facilities (part of 3year plan)
Possibly in partnership with Oxford house, and or other locally available organization.
Potential partnerships with other RCO’s
Potential site available in Ullin, Illinois. Also, potential development opportunity available in Brookport.
Addicts in recovery should have scholarships paid for by the manufacturers of their addiction. This helps Addicts be more successful and helps repair the relationship between the American public and drug manufacturers. Potential downhill positive impact can be infinite.
PHP (People helping People) (part of 5year plan)
Sponsorship program network of the successful recovering (like already been through school and clean ten years or more) who come together to help less fortunate but trying hard persons and families in recovery not aa sponsorship but financial and social sponsorship. Like PAY THE RENT.OR HALF. This allows a recovering individual or family to focus on school full time and only work part time supplementally. Thereby being more likely to succeed and more likely to make positive impact on community.
BAG ADDICTS GIVING BACK program (part of 5year plan)
Community volunteer service where addicts in recovery sign up to volunteer in the community. Either to work on community enrichment projects, like building and maintaining parks, or possibly even to assist local elderly. Maybe even specifically seek out victims of drug related crimes to assist in some cases if and when appropriate.
Where Does All the Money Come from?
Fundraising community effective programs such as The Dollar or Donate Thrift Store and Healthy Housing Initiative.
Community Supportive partnerships such as regular monthly committed donations from churches individuals and other local organizations.
Federal and state grant funding and cooperative agreements.
Brookport (first facility)
Home Office for all The House of Care operations
Open House (Recovery meeting facilitation)
Resource center
Dollar or donate thrift store
Outreach projects management location
Educational referral and support services
Soup Kitchen services
Future possibilities for Brookport
Community Events
Potential community education location
Life Recovery Cabins
Add Home for family (possibly)
Vienna (Facility number two year two
Open House (Recovery meeting facilitation)
Resource center
Outreach projects management location
Educational referral and support services
Ullin (third facility year 3to5)
Workforce training driven SOBER LIVING facility
Life Recovery School